Ansible meetup
Talk at Ansible BA Meetup
We participated in the Ansible BA meetup and shared one of our successful experiences

"Innovation is impossible if we don't automate" is one of the more frequently heard quotes at gcoop. When facing the challenge of managing big infrastructure, many years ago we started working on the philosophy of Infrastructure as Code and using Ansible as our main tool.

In that spirit, we participate in many events organized by the Ansible community in Argentina and abroad, so we can stay updated on the status of the project, and share our experiences with others.

We consider it essential to participate on community events involving the technologies we work with, since they're the spaces to exchange and learn about the future of our work tools.

In this opportunity, we shared part of our experience in "Proyecto Automatización y Gestión Centralizada de Infraestructura" (Automation and Centralized Managing of Infrastructure) in Credicoop Bank. This project has Ansible and AWX as main elements, and this implied automated creation and managing on the entire infrastructure of the Client's Branches.

The project involved migrating more than 3000 workstations and generating 300 servers running Free Software, with 9 Virtual Machines each (Proxmox).

Generating a remote server, installing a virtualization system and various virtual machines with services, generating jobs and all its services automatically, managing inventories and generating massive updates, and much more. The potential of Ansible is huge and allows us to consider automation of infrastructure management tasks, which not only saves time but also improves system security by avoiding manual tasks. We invite you to contact us if you think we can improve your infrastructure management processes.