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We participated in FACTTIC plenary sessions in Villa la Angostura
As every year, FACTTIC held its plenary to plan, exchange, and analyze its actions.

Last December, we participated along with almost 100 representatives from 30 cooperatives in FACCTIC's Plenary Sessions, which took place at the facilities belonging to the National University of Buenos Aires.

During the plenary, the Federation Assembly is held, where approval was given to the memory and balance based on a summary of the annual activities carried out.

We highlight the opening panel: "The role of cooperativism in the digital revolution," in which Pablo Gutierrez Colantuano from the Secretary of State for Planning and Action for the Development of Neuquén - COPADE; Luciano Villalba, vice-mayor of Villa La Angostura; Denise Kasparian (UBA); and María Eleonora Feser and Valeria Mutuberria Lazarini from CCC participated.

These meetings allow us to talk with other technological cooperatives in the Federation, learn about works and projects, and exchange experiences to plan joint actions. An important part of the Plenary was the formation of working groups to plan the Federation's action for the next two years. In addition, lightning talks were held on topics of common interest and we shared experiences with local cooperatives from Villa La Angostura.